O'Neal Revival Ministries Band

This ministry needs your musical talent.  It provides music for worship service and engagements.  The band consists of keyboards, percussions, guitar, and brass.



This ministry needs your singing talent.  The purpose of the choir is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the congregation in worship, and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship.



This ministry needs your talent.  We seek to minister to the body of Christ, the saved and unsaved, and everyone with a burden, and those who are joyful and thankful!  With an offering of praise, we invite the Holy Spirit to not only inhabit us, but to rain over all those watching and ignite through His Holy Spirit and Power the recognition that Christ is the answer and hope for our lives.  We also desire to offer those who may or may not have dance experience the opportunity to minister and praise God through the art of dance.



ORT Greeters welcome visitors and members attending service and ensure their needs and concerns are met.  Being a greeter involves more than just standing at the door and shaking people’s hands as they enter the church.  It is a ministry.  This responsibility is to let visitors know that we greatly appreciate them fellowshipping with us.  Because they are a guest of ORT, we are committed to ensuring that they are served, and that they feel the joy of the Lord upon our Worship Service.



Is this for you?  1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.”  O’Neal Revival Tabernacle Church Hospitality Ministry is to create an atmosphere of excitement for everyone who enters the church through a friendly welcome, knowledgeable information about the church, and personal follow-up visits.



Performing Christian artists needed.  ORT’s purpose for the Mime Ministry is to use the art of movement and gestures to win souls for Jesus Christ.  Mime brings scripture passages and contemporary parables to life through the ministering of dramatic pantomime.



This ministry needs you to help develop it.  The Nursery Ministry is to provide a welcoming, nurturing atmosphere for the nursery age children  (ages 0-4) of our members and visitors, which honors the Lord and supports the parents in the care and education of their children, in a consistently safe, clean, and wholesome facility through a caring, qualified, and motivated nursery staff.



Do you have a talented, anointed voice and stage presence?  The Praise and Worship Team leads the congregation into a spiritual high as the Team evokes the presence of God in the Sanctuary.



Do you have audio/video experience?  This group is responsible for the amplification and production of CD’s, DVD’s and wide-screen videos in the Sanctuary that is scheduled for undertaking in the future.



The purpose of the Ushers Ministry is to assist people during the worship services.  Ushers serve by passing out bulletins and greeting attenders, taking the offering, praying and helping members and attenders, assisting with any problems that attenders may encounter, wishing everyone a good day at the conclusion of the service and cleaning up the church after service, collecting excess bulletins and papers left behind in the church.


Intercessory Prayer: 10:45 AM each Sunday; 6:45 PM each Wednesday

Worship Service: 11:00 AM each Sunday; (No Service On 5th Sundays)

Family Night: 7:00 PM each Wednesday

Food Pantry: Closed Until Further Notice

Copyright 2013 | O'Neal Revival Tabernacle | 500 Richardson Rd., Zebulon, NC 27597 | Phone: (919) 375-4275 | Site Designed by JM Hall Consulting