Church Bylaws

Note:  This is an excerpt.  Full copy available to members upon request.

Article I. Church Membership

Section 1. General

This is a sovereign church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the right of exclusive self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.

Membership in this church shall consist of all persons who have met the requirements for membership, as provided in Article I, Section 2, been approved by the congregation, and are listed on the membership roll.


Section 2. Candidacy/Qualifications

Any person may offer himself as a candidate for membership in this church. Persons offering themselves for membership shall be required to complete a New Member Class. This church will accept candidacy of membership by any of the following methods:

(1) By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and Scriptural baptism.

(2) By promise of a letter of recommendation from another church of like faith.

(3) By statement of prior conversion experience and Scriptural baptism.

(4) By baptism from another church of like faith.

(5) By restoration as provided in Article I, Section 7.

Upon completion of class, candidate shall be presented to the membership and receive the right hand of fellowship by the Ministerial Staff and Deacons thus activating their membership.


Section 3. Responsibilities of Members

In order to be a responsible member, O’Neal Revival Tabernacle members must:

(1) Be in basic agreement with the church’s statement of faith and purpose.

(2) Discover, develop and deploy their spiritual gifts in the ministries of the church.

(3) Be diligent to live according to the statements of the church covenant.

(4) Be faithful in attendance to worship services and Bible study.

(5) Become a student of the word of God and of prayer.

(6) Make a commitment to personal evangelism and discipleship.

(7) Encourage scriptural stewardship of time, talents, and tithes  and offerings.


Intercessory Prayer: 10:45 AM each Sunday; 6:45 PM each Wednesday

Worship Service: 11:00 AM each Sunday; (No Service On 5th Sundays)

Family Night: 7:00 PM each Wednesday

Food Pantry: Closed Until Further Notice

Copyright 2013 | O'Neal Revival Tabernacle | 500 Richardson Rd., Zebulon, NC 27597 | Phone: (919) 375-4275 | Site Designed by JM Hall Consulting