
If you have a background in counseling, this ministry needs your skill.  The Counseling Ministry is designed to assist individuals by providing biblical counsel in the following areas: marital and family relationships, communication and intimacy, parenting, grief and loss, anger and bitterness, inner personal struggles, and spiritual discouragement.  Pastor Bob is a member of the AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors).



See Freedom Group below.



Our goal is to engage members in the stewardship of being a good citizen through informing church membership of legislation and political activities on a National, State and local level.



Here is a ministry that needs a Christian professional.  It works in conjunction with the Counseling Ministry.  This ministry is for those who suffer from chemical dependency, divorce, depression, eating disorders, grief, sexual abuse, pornography, same-sex attraction, sexual addiction, and absent father wounded.



Intercessory prayer is a working partnership with God.  As such, intercessory prayer is important and is a necessary part of a Christian’s journey of faith.  Time is reserved every Sunday from 9:45AM to 10:00AM in the sanctuary for intercessory prayer.



You are needed to start this group in your neighborhood.  This ministry is a collection of small Bible study groups in various distant communities from the church.  The purpose of a Small Group Ministry is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by establishing healthy friendships, praying, and studying together in the context of Biblical Community.



This is a care ministry.  Part of the journey of becoming a committed follower of Jesus Christ entails the much-needed care of others in that process.  Whether it is an encouraging note or a meal when you go through hardships, caring for one another is part of what Christ has called us to in His Body, the Church.  Our care for the world around us is often what wins us an audience with those who previously had not been interest in the things of God.


Intercessory Prayer: 10:45 AM each Sunday; 6:45 PM each Wednesday

Worship Service: 11:00 AM each Sunday; (No Service On 5th Sundays)

Family Night: 7:00 PM each Wednesday

Food Pantry: Closed Until Further Notice

Copyright 2013 | O'Neal Revival Tabernacle | 500 Richardson Rd., Zebulon, NC 27597 | Phone: (919) 375-4275 | Site Designed by JM Hall Consulting